
Volunteer with Bridges of Change

Volunteers play an important role in helping us implement services and support many of our community activities. We are so appreciative of all of the generous individuals and groups who have given us their time and talent to help us help others.

Volunteer training is required for specific positions and volunteer opportunities. This interactive training will cover topics related to domestic violence, crisis intervention, and trauma-informed advocacy.

Special Events and Fundraising

Helping to plan, coordinate, manage, and attend special events with staff. This could include speeches, fundraisers, and donor cultivation events, as well as organizing and planning for holidays, such as coordinating gift drives for Christmas, or awareness campaigns or events, which could include talking to people and passing out/sharing information about Bridges of Change.

Shelter Advocate

Helps as an assistant to shelter staff, working with them as an extra set of hands. This can include helping with intakes, taking hotline calls, working with shelter residents to help meet their goals, and giving them support. After the required amount of training and shadowing, volunteers can be in the shelter on their own and fill in for staff when needed.

Translation and Interpretation

Translating documents from English into different languages appropriate to our shelter’s needs; helping to interpret for shelter residents for whom English is a second language, making sure they understand Bridges of Change policies, and that we at Bridges of Change understand their needs, wants, and goals.

Contact Bridges of Change to get Started!

A volunteer position is not guaranteed. Based on the full review of all completed application materials, the interview, and background check, Bridges of Change may determine not to place a candidate who is deemed not a good match for the agency. Thank you for your interest.
How to become a Volunteer:

Step 1

Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

Step 2

Complete the Volunteer Application.

Step 3

Schedule an interview.

Step 4

Complete a criminal background check.

Step 5

Complete required training.